KARAE LISLE: What an incredible first day of fascinating conversations here at Sight Tech Global.
ROSS MINOR: Absolutely! And this is only just day one. I’m always speaking for myself, but talks like the ones we view today only have me hopeful. Because as I always tell people, there’s never been a better time to be blind. Because we have so much technology available to us and at our fingertips, so many people to fight the good fight to build a more inclusive future with us.
KARAE LISLE: I’m so glad to hear that, Ross. You know, one of the messages for Sight Tech Global is to inspire the entire visually impaired community. We are a passionate group, and with so much dedicated creativity and innovation, accessibility advancement is progressing. So to our audience today, if you enjoyed the content and want to help Vista Center, as this is a fundraiser, it will help us with that. With our programs and services and serving 3,700 people every year, please consider making a small donation at the Sight Tech Global website. There’s a donate button on the top right-hand corner. We’ll see you tomorrow.